Thank you for visiting I am asking you to help me make this website something people will want to use. I am asking that you use the website, and provide feedback, comments, suggestions, or anything you want to share. You'll need to register as a member to fully use the website (your email & name are the only personal info requested). There is plenty to review without creating a member account, however to fully use the website requires registration. Click here for a walk-thru video on YouTube.

What I am asking;
1) Create a member account (I promise you that your info stays private),
2) Create a 1090 post (this is where the real website functionality is)
Please send any and all feedback, comments, & suggestions. I will review everything sent.

Extra Credit:
__ What are your thoughts about the categories, any suggestions about what categories to add or remove? What is confusing on the website? Does the design of the website work for you? Is something is missing?
__ We are having trouble with choosing the image for "Holiday Icon" right now it looks like Christmas. What image comes to mind when you think "Holiday"? to help holidays are; Religious, National, & Cultural.

Super Extra Credit: If you work in an office, company, school, family, church, club, or anywhere, please share with your people.

That's it. I really need your feedback! THANK YOU!

P.S. If you can break the website or find errors/bugs then you have done a great job! Nothing is perfect, especially the first version. I am asking your help to find the bugs and errors and I will fix them. :-) 

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*Conditions Apply.
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